Cardiff Kurdish Community Association was officially established in 4th January 2021. The objectives of the our Community centre and service are: -
To promote social inclusion for the public, by working with people in Cardiff and the surrounding areas who are socially excluded on the grounds of their ethnic origin, religion, belief, or creed (in particular members of the Kurdish community) to relieve the needs of such people and assist them to integrate into society, in particular by,
1) Providing a local network group that encourages and enables members of the Kurdish and other BME communities to participate more effectively with the wider community.
2) Increasing or co-ordinating opportunities for members of the Kurdish community to engage with service providers, to enable those providers to adapt services to better meet the needs of that community including the provision of free advice on supporting their health, education, economic and social needs.
3) Provide supplementary education in English in particular but not exclusively for children and adults.
4) Provide social, cultural, religious and recreational facilities and events involving the local community.
To find out more about us, please get in touch.